VICTORY: DFA energized by Marie Newman’s transformative triumph in IL-03

Marie Newman easily triumphed over her general election opponent in Illinois’ 3rd Congressional district, securing her seat in Congress come January.

Although IL-03 is considered to be a solidly Democratic district, Newman will be a huge improvement over the anti-choice, anti-gay, corporate incumbent, Dan Lipinski whom she successfully primaried in March of 2020 with the backing of Democracy for America (DFA) and other grassroots groups.

Newman was DFA’s first non-incumbent endorsement of the 2020 cycle. DFA members also supported her in her 2018 race against Lipinski.

DFA Chair Charles Chamberlain on Marie Newman’s general election win:

In no uncertain terms, Marie Newman is one of progressives’ greatest success stories of the 2020 election cycle – and not just because of her blowout victory tonight over an anti-ACA, xenophobic, antiquated Republican.

“Newman’s primary victory in March over an anti-choice, anti-LGBT, corporate Dem was both a clear rejection from voters of the DCCC’s blacklist policy for those challenging incumbents, and a clear signal to establishment Democrats that the days of bipartisan support for Republican’s backward agenda are over.

“Congress just gained a true progressive champion in Representative-elect Marie Newman, and Democracy for America can’t wait to work with her on the issues our members care most about like a Green New Deal, Medicare for All, and robust criminal justice reform.” -- Charles Chamberlain, Chair, Democracy for America

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