Press Releases

DFA praises Clinton’s TPP opposition, “illustrates how out-of-touch White House is w/ America

October 7, 2015

Sec. Hillary Clinton just became the third major Democratic presidential candidate to make clear her opposition to the job-killing Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Statement from Democracy for America about Sec. Clinton's stated opposition to the job-killing Trans-Pacific Partnership.

"Hillary Clinton's decision to join Bernie Sanders and Martin O'Malley in opposing the job-killing Trans-Pacific Partnership demonstrates a keen understanding…

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TRADE VOTE: DFA says Sen Dem betrayal “will be remembered… and we will hold you accountable”

June 23, 2015

Moments ago the U.S. Senate voted to advance Fast Track for the job-killing Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Quick reaction from Democracy for America's Jim Dean to today's Senate Fast Track vote:

"Senate Democrats who just voted to proceed on Fast Track for the job-killing Trans-Pacific Partnership openly betrayed the grassroots Democratic activists who helped elect them and have been exceedingly clear in their opposition to any…

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DFA warns Dems, vote Fast Track and we will “search for opportunities to primary you”

June 12, 2015

Ahead of today's votes on the Medicare-cutting Trade Adjustment Assistance Legislation and Fast Track bill, Democracy for America wanted to lay out the stakes for those Democrats still contemplating voting for it.

Statement from Jim Dean, Chair of Democracy for America to members of Congress about today's votes:

"Ahead of today's votes we wanted to be very clear to Democratic members of Congress:  If you vote for either…
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