Press Releases

DFA comments on fight over new SEC commisioner

July 7, 2015

News broke this AM that, following pressure from Democracy for America and other progressive groups, the White House is reconsidering appointing corporate attorney Keir Gumbs to a open seat on the SEC.

Here's a statement from DFA Chair Jim Dean on the White House response to growing progressive pressure on the open SEC seat:

"If we won't tolerate a cop who's working with Main Street criminals, why should we put up…

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Democracy for America: Nominate a Fed Chair Who Will Stand Up for The Middle Class

July 26, 2013

Jim Dean, Chair of Democracy for America, released this statement following the announcement the White House would delay an appointment of a new Fed Chairman until this Fall:

"Democracy for America is happy to hear that the White House has decided to postpone the appointment for Chair of the Federal Reserve until this fall.  Given her considerable contributions both inside and outside the Fed and her recognition of the realities that…

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