Democracy for America backs Ed Markey for reelection to U.S. Senate in Massachusetts

Today, Democracy for America (DFA) announced its endorsement of Ed Markey in the competitive primary for the U.S. Senate in Massachusetts.

While DFA has been primarily focused in 2020 U.S. Senate races on a “Flip the Senate” strategy focused on returning Congress’s upper chamber to Democratic control, the grassroots progressive group felt it was necessary to endorse in the primary in deep blue Massachusetts to help ensure that Markey, a tested champion for progressive priorities, remains in the United States Senate.

Statement from DFA CEO Yvette Simpson on the grassroots group’s endorsements of Sen. Ed Markey’s reelection to the U.S. Senate in Massachusetts:

“In 2020, our country needs strong, tested leaders that progressives can trust to fight for social, racial, economic, and climate justice in the U.S. Senate and, in the Senate primary in Massachusetts, that leader is Senator Ed Markey.

“The son of a milkman, Sen. Markey was born into a working-class family that taught him that real progressive leaders can’t be identified by the last name they were born with, but by the people they fight for, the bold stands they take, and the battles they wage.

“From his early leadership in the fight against climate change to his co-sponsorship of the Green New Deal with Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Sen. Markey has been a bold, visionary progressive leader in the fight for climate justice and against environmental racism. And, it’s not just on climate -- on Medicare for All, criminal justice reform, student debt, and the minimum wage, Sen. Markey has been one of the most steadfast allies progressives have had in the United States Senate.

“Sen. Markey might not be the youngest candidate in this race or come from its most famous family, but Sen. Markey knows how to look ahead, lead the way, and fight for our shared progressive values -- and that’s why we’re honored to fight for him in this primary.” -- Yvette Simpson, CEO, Democracy for America

Statement from U.S. Senator Ed Markey on receiving Democracy for America’s primary support:

“I am incredibly honored to have the support of Democracy for America in my race for re-election to the United States Senate.”

"Democracy for America understands the strength of our people-powered, grassroots movement to create real, progressive change across our country. Together, we will organize to ensure economic, health care, housing, educational, and environmental justice for every person, and work toward a more equitable and just future for every child. I look forward to the work we will do together.” -- Sen. Ed Markey.

DFA has 47,849 members in Massachusetts and more than one million members nationwide.

Markey is one of the only incumbent U.S. Senators that Democracy for America has endorsed this cycle. Prior to today, the grassroots progressive group has endorsed Rev. Raphael Warnock, Jamie Harrison, Cal Cunningham, and Theresa Greenfield in their seat-flipping U.S. Senate races in Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Iowa, respectively.

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