Press Releases

Jan. endorsements and GRAS

January 19, 2012

DFA To Work In Over 60 Federal Races in 2012; Kicks Off Cycle By Endorsing First 5 Congressional Candidates and Announcing An Online Contest for Congressional Challengers and Open Seats

Burlington, VT Today, Democracy for America (DFA) announced five endorsements and the launch of its first online endorsement contest of the year. In 2012, DFA will endorse over 60 candidates and the largest campaign the organization has ever run.

The… Read More…

Statement on SOPA Blackout Day

January 17, 2012

The Internet is where democracy happens. The last thing we need is corporate censorship of free speech. Arshad Hasan, Executive Director of Democracy for America Burlington, VT Statement from Arshad Hasan, Executive Director of Democracy for America (DFA) on DFAs participation in the web site blackout on Wed. Jan. 18th to stop SOPA & PIPA, or corporate censorship of the Internet: Democracy for America recently divested our 48… Read More…

2012 for 2012 release with 3 non-fed endorsements

January 4, 2012

Part of a Joint Effort with New Organizing Institute, Progressive Majority, and others, DFA Helps to Build the Progressive Bench with Recruitment, Endorsements, Training and Support Burlington, VT Today, Democracy For America (DFA) announced the endorsement of three progressive candidates running for local office in 2012.The endorsements are part of DFAs involvement with 2,012 for 2012, a collaborative effort to recruit a new… Read More…

Ilya release with GHD and DFA

December 12, 2011

Meanwhile, Primary Opponent Makes Major Contributions to Republican Campaigns Burlington, VT Today, Gov. Howard Dean and Democracy for America (DFA) sent an email to DFAs one million members asking them to support Ilya Sheymans campaign for congress in IL-10. Sheyman is in a contested primary against opponent Brad Schneider. In the email, Gov. Dean explains, According to FEC reports, Ilya's opponent gave: $250 to Republican Bob… Read More…

Dean and DFA endorse Grijalva and Edwards

December 7, 2011

Progressive Champions Gather Support as Redistricting Forces Primary Challenges from the Right Burlington, VT Today Gov. Howard Dean and Democracy for America (DFA) endorsed progressive champions Raul Grijalva (AZ-07) and Donna Edwards (MD-04). In an email to DFAs one million members nationwide, Gov. Dean explains, Few Democrats in the House of Representatives have fought harder than Donna and Raul to stop Paul Ryans plan to end… Read More…

Superfail statement

November 21, 2011

Burlington, VT - Statement from Jim Dean, Chair of Democracy for America on Super Committee failure: Democrats on the Super Committee were right to walk away from the deals Republicans proposed which only protected their political allies and donors in the top 1% while cutting vital programs that support the 99%. Republican behavior has been reprehensible in these negotiations. The failure of the Super Committee is the best case… Read More…

GHD video on Occupy

November 16, 2011

"This is about a just and fair America and I thank you for standing up for it. Where will you be November 17?" Statement from Gov. Howard Dean, founder of Democracy for America, on the Occupy movement:

In a video address to Democracy for America members filmed by Democracy for New York City on Nov. 15, Gov. Dean encouraged the Occupy movement.

Watch the video here:

In the video… Read More…

Ohio Victory Release

November 9, 2011

Gets 50,000+ Out to Vote Nov. 8, Voters Reject Gov. Kasich Extremist Attack on Working Families Burlington, VT Democracy for America staff and their 40,000 members in Ohio celebrated last night, when voters turned out to the polls and rejected Gov. Kasichs deeply unpopular anti-labor law, Senate Bill 5. DFA has been actively pushing the No on 2 campaign in Ohio for the past five weeks--talking to voters at more than 50,000 homes about… Read More…

Democracy for America on the Ground for No on 2 Campaign in Ohio

November 2, 2011

With No On 2 25 points up in the Polls, DFA Gets Tens of Thousands Out to Vote for Nov. 8 Burlington, VT So far in Ohio, DFA staff talked to voters at 44,864 homes to make sure that Ohioans can vote down Issue 2 on Nov. 8th. The door-to-door canvass Get-Out-The-Vote effort will continue until Election Day. Momentum is on our side in Ohio, said Jim Dean, Chair of DFA. Gov. Kasich started a war on working families and Ohio voters will… Read More…

Jim’s statement on super committee - Patti Murray

November 1, 2011

Burlington, VT - Statement from Jim Dean, Chair of Democracy for America on Super Committee negotiations: If John Boehner and Mitch McConnell wanted to get serious about cutting the deficit they would let the rich pay their fair share like they did under the Clinton Administration when we had a surplus. But, instead they are proposing that we cut Social Security. Social Security by law cannot contribute to the deficit. It has a $2.7… Read More…

Jim’s Statement on super committee cuts to medicare and medicaid

October 27, 2011

Burlington, VT - Statement from Jim Dean, Chair of DFA on Democrats recommendations to cut Medicare and Medicaid: I am appalled and outraged by the recommendations from Democrats on the so-called Super Committee to cut Medicare and Medicaid in order to reduce the deficit. Our national deficit was caused by the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest one percent of Americans and two unnecessary wars that were not paid for. The deficit was then… Read More…

Jim’s statement on ending the war in Iraq

October 21, 2011

Burlington, VT - Statement from Jim Dean, Chair of DFA on President Obama's announcement to end the war in Iraq and bring the troops home:

"President Obama kept his campaign promise today to end the war in Iraq and bring our troops home. We are thrilled to welcome them home in time for the holidays. We hope that Congress and the President will move forward now to keep the promise of the American Dream for these brave veterans.


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Ohio Launch Release

October 13, 2011

With 40,000 Members in Ohio, DFA will work to Get Out the Vote to Reject Kasichs War on Working Families Burlington, VT On October 5th Democracy for America launched its No on 2 campaign in Ohio with the goal of reaching 75,000 voters to defeat the job-killing Issue 2 on November 8th. - Modeled after our successful paid canvasses in the Wisconsin Recall fights, DFA will hire a total of 15 local staff to identify voters and get out the… Read More…

Jim’s statement on President’s Job Speech

September 8, 2011

Burlington, VT Jim Dean, Chair of Democracy for America on President Obamas speech on September 8, 2011: This speech is an important first step in turning the conversation in Washington back to where it should have been for the last year to jobs. The American people need jobs not cuts and so far no matter how much Democrats have tried to work across the aisle, Republicans have showed that they will always put politics in front of… Read More…

Eric Cantor DKTD Ad Release

September 1, 2011

*********WATCH NEW CANTOR AD HERE: **************

Burlington, VT Democracy for America announced today that it is expanding it's "Don't Kill the Dream" television ad campaign against Republicans with a new buy in House Majority Leader Eric Cantor's district. Last week, DFA announced the ad would run nationally on the Sunday talk shows and in the districts of Reps. David Rivera and Allen West.

Republicans… Read More…

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