Press Releases

DFA: “Virginians Need to Clean House,” calls for resignation of Fairfax, Northam, Herring

February 8, 2019

Following the last week of shocking news in Richmond, VA, including the latest allegations of sexual assault levied against Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax, Democracy for America (DFA) is urging Virginia Democrats to push for the replacement of the state's entire executive leadership team without undoing the elections of 2016, 2017, and 2018.

Full Statement from DFA's Chief Executive Officer Yvette Simpson:

"Virginians need to clean house.…

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DFA: Abrams’ “passionate future-focused” SOTUS response “stands in stark contrast” with Trump

February 5, 2019

This evening, Stacey Abrams became the first Black woman to deliver an official response to the State of the Union. In response to Abrams' historic speech, Yvette Simpson, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Democracy for America, issued the following statement:

"Tonight, Stacey Abrams delivered a passionate future-focused speech that spoke to our shared progressive values, common struggles, and stands in stark contrast with the…

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DFA says Trump’s SOTU speech “reminded us why he isn’t fit to lead a golf tournament,” let alone U.S

February 5, 2019

In response to tonight's State of the Union Address, which marked the second time in US history an address has ever been delayed, Yvette Simpson, Executive Director of Democracy for America, issued the following statement:

"In his speech tonight, Donald Trump reminded us why he isn't fit to lead a golf tournament, let alone the most powerful country in the world. Obsessed with the sound of his own voice, he continues to lie incessantly,…

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DFA calls for VA Gov. Ralph Northam’s resignation following release of racist yearbook photo

February 1, 2019

This evening, Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam publicly confirmed that he appeared in a racist photo on his individual page in his 1984 Medical School yearbook.

Charles Chamberlain, Democracy for America's Chair, issued the following statement calling for Northam's immediate resignation:

"In 2017, we expressed profound concern about the racist campaign that Ralph Northam conducted when he ran for Governor.

"After his refusal this…

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DFA: Harris’ launch “underscores the transformational opportunity” of 2020 presidential race

January 21, 2019

Today, Senator Kamala Harris officially launched her 2020 Presidential exploratory committee.

Democracy for America's CEO Yvette Simpson issued the following statement on Harris' announcements:

"Senator Kamala Harris' announcement today underscores the transformational opportunity the 2020 presidential election already represents for our country. With the wide range of identities, backgrounds, and life experiences, the 2020 Democratic…

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DFA says Gillibrand, Castro entrances have “inched us closer to a historically diverse” 2020 field

January 16, 2019

Tonight, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand officially launched her 2020 Presidential exploratory committee, while former U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Julián Castro formally announced that he was a candidate for President in 2020 on Saturday.

Democracy for America's CEO Yvette Simpson issued the following statement on Gillibrand and Castro's announcements:

"Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and former HUD Secretary Julián Castro's…

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DFA on Trump Border Speech: U.S. has “a national security disaster in the Oval Office,” not a crisis

January 8, 2019

In response to Trump's speech on the government shutdown and the self-created crisis at the U.S.- Mexico border, Democracy for America released the following statement:

"America doesn't have a national security crisis on our southern border, we have a national security disaster in the Oval Office.

"The bizarre rant Donald Trump delivered tonight was not only a dangerous escalation of white supremacist fear-mongering, it was a crystal…

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DFA responds to Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s launch of 2020 presidential campaign

December 31, 2018

Earlier this morning, Senator Elizabeth Warren became one of the first major candidates to launch a 2020 campaign for President.

Democracy for America's Executive Director Charles Chamberlain issued the following statement following Warren's announcement:

"Our country needs a 2020 Democratic nominee defined by bold, inclusive populist ideas and a vision for the future of the country that wins the support of the New American Majority…

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Bernie Sanders Leads in Democracy For America’s First 2020 Presidential Pulse Poll

December 18, 2018

Today, Democracy for America (DFA) released the results of its first 2020 Presidential Pulse Poll with Bernie Sanders leading with over a third of DFA members encouraging him to run for president. He is followed by Joe Biden, Beto O'Rourke, Elizabeth Warren, and Kamala Harris.

Top five results from the DFA poll (members asked to pick top three):

  • Bernie Sanders, 36.14%
  • Joe Biden, 14.88%
  • Beto O'Rourke, 12.34%
  • Elizabeth Warren,
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VICTORY: DFA celebrates Katie Porter’s (CA-45) inclusive populist win in Orange County, CA

November 15, 2018

Katie Porter just won her race for Congress in California's 45th Congressional District, delivering, over a week after election, yet another victory in the long-held Republican stronghold of Orange County.

Democracy for America endorsed Porter early in her Democratic Primary in January 2018.

DFA's Executive Director Charles Chamberlain on Katie Porters's stunning victory in California's 45th District:

"Katie Porter was counted out…

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Democracy for America’s Jim Dean steps down, appoints Yvette Simpson new Chief Executive

November 14, 2018

Today, Democracy for America's (DFA) Jim Dean announced his decision to step down from his role as Chair of the national grassroots progressive group, and make former Cincinnati City Council member and history-making 2017 mayoral candidate Yvette Simpson its next Chief Executive, effective January 1, 2019.

As a part of the transition, Dean will move into the special advisor role his brother, Gov. Howard Dean, held prior to November…

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A “Critical Progressive Pivot Point” for Our Country: DFA’s Top 5 Takeaways from the 2018 Election

November 9, 2018

Headlined by a night of historic "firsts" and the return of Democratic control of the U.S. House after the crushing loss of 2016, future generations will likely remember Election Night 2018 as a critical progressive pivot point in our country's political history.

Led by the people of color, women, millennials, and white progressives who make up the New American Majority, the 2018 election results delivered a clear repudiation of Donald…

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VICTORY: DFA says “no one should be surprised” by Lucy McBath’s win in Georgia’s 6th

November 7, 2018

This afternoon, Lucy McBath declared victory in her race for Congress in Georgia's 6th Congressional District. McBath's win over Rep. Karen Handel comes less than two years after Handle beat Democrat Jon Ossoff in a 2017 Special Election that remains the most expensive congressional race in U.S. history.

Inspired by the surge of grassroots momentum behind her campaign, Lucy McBath was Democracy for America's final endorsement of the…

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DFA: Sessions’ firing, Whitaker appointment a “transparent attempt by Trump to escape justice”

November 7, 2018

Democracy for America Executive Director Charles Chamberlain responded this evening to the news that Donald Trump has effectively fired Attorney General Jeff Sessions and temporarily replaced him with Matt Whitaker, an administration official who has openly discussed dismantling the Special Prosecutor's Trump-Russia investigation.

"The forced resignation of Attorney Jeff Sessions and the appointment of Matt Whitaker as his temporary…

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VICTORY: DFA cheers as Evers, Barnes “end Wisconsin’s nearly decade-long Scott Walker nightmare”

November 7, 2018

Thanks to a final round of absentee votes in Milwaukee, Tony Evers and Mandela Barnes finally ended Wisconsin's nearly decade-long Scott Walker nightmare.

Democracy for America was an early supporter of Barnes for Lt. Governor and formally endorsed Evers in October.

DFA's Executive Director Charles Chamberlain on Scott Walker's defeat by Tony Evers and Mandela Barnes:

"Tonight, the people of Wisconsin finally ended the career of a…

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