Press Releases

Democracy for America endorses Jennifer Carroll Foy for Governor of Virginia

December 15, 2020

Today, Democracy for America (DFA) announced its endorsement of Jennifer Carroll Foy for Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Born and raised in Virginia, Jennifer Carroll Foy was one of the first women to graduate from Virginia Military Institute and has served the Commonwealth as a public defender, a magistrate, and a member of the House of Delegates.

Democracy for America first supported Jennifer Carroll Foy during her 2017 run…

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DFA endorses Nina Turner in Ohio’s 11th Congressional District special election

December 14, 2020

Today, Democracy for America (DFA) announced its endorsement of Nina Turner in the special election to fill Congresswoman Marcia Fudge’s seat in Ohio’s 11th Congressional district.

Turner has been a trailblazing progressive activist and movement leader for over two decades, serving on Cleveland’s City Council and as an Ohio State Senator before joining Senator Bernie Sanders’ campaign team as one of his most trusted advisors.


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Democracy for America endorses Maya Wiley for NYC Mayor

November 17, 2020

Today, Democracy for America (DFA) announced its endorsement of Maya Wiley for Mayor of New York City.

This is the first time Democracy for America has endorsed in a New York City mayoral primary in the grassroots progressive group’s 16-year history.

Statement from DFA CEO Yvette Simpson on DFA’s endorsement of Maya Wiley for New York City Mayor:

“In 2021, New Yorkers have an opportunity to elect a leader who is fearlessly…

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VICTORY: DFA celebrates Lauren Underwoods win in IL-14

November 13, 2020

Rep. Lauren Underwood successfully beat back her right-wing challenger in Illinois’ 14th Congressional district after entering the 2020 cycle as one of the GOP’s top targets.

Democracy for America (DFA) endorsed Rep. Underwood's reelection campaign in June 2019, after supporting her in her historic 2018 race where she defeated an incumbent Republican to become the youngest Black woman ever elected to Congress.

DFA Chair Charles…

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DFA to Newsom: Appoint a Black woman to replace VP-elect Kamala Harris

November 10, 2020

Today, Democracy for America (DFA) launched a grassroots effort calling on California Governor Gavin Newsom to replace Vice President-elect Kamala Harris with another progressive Black woman in the United States Senate.

DFA’s campaign launched with a grassroots petition encouraging individuals to join DFA in urging Governor Newsom to “honor [Harris’] legacy” by appointing another “powerful, progressive Black woman” to replace her in the…

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DFA: Biden-Harris win “an unambiguous rejection of Trump’s bigoted, corrupt, anti-democratic” agenda

November 7, 2020

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were just declared the presumptive winner of the 2020 race for President and Vice President of the United States.

Statement from Democracy for America Chair Charles Chamberlain on the Biden/Harris victory:

“With Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’s decisive electoral college victory and growing 4.1+ million plus national popular vote lead, America has delivered an unambiguous rejection of Donald Trump’s bigoted,…

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Democracy for America endorses Jon Ossoff in GA Senate run-off

November 6, 2020

Today, Democracy for America (DFA) announced its endorsement of Jon Ossoff ahead of a run-off election in Georgia that could determine control of the U.S Senate.

Democracy for America was an early supporter of Rev. Raphael Warnock, who earned a spot on Tuesday in the run-off for the special election for Georgia’s other U.S. Senate seat.

Statement from DFA Chair Charles Chamberlain on the grassroots group’s endorsements of Ossoff for…

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DFA enthused by Rep. Mike Levin’s reelection in CA-49

November 5, 2020

Rep. Mike Levin claimed victory in his reelection race for California’s 49th Congressional district, a former Republican-stronghold.

Rep. Levin fended off multiple Republican challengers this cycle, after he flipped this seat in 2018 with Democracy for America’s support as a part of the group’s strategy to flip the House of Representatives. Democracy for America endorsed Rep. Levin for reelection in 2019.

DFA Chair Charles Chamberlain…

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DFA Celebrates Nikema William’s Win In Georgia

November 4, 2020

Nikema Williams has won her general election campaign for Georgia’s 5th Congressional District. Williams, a  State Senator and the first Black woman to ever Chair the Georgia State Democratic party, was selected to run for the safely Democratic seat after the passing of civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis.   

Democracy for America endorsed Williams’ campaign after the formal announcement of her candidacy on the 55th anniversary of the…

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DFA Congratulates Rep. Katie Porter On ‘Decisive’ Victory

November 4, 2020

Rep. Katie Porter just beat back her 2020 Republican challenger to hold on to the seat she flipped in California’s 45th Congressional district back in 2018.

Democracy for America (DFA) endorsed Rep. Porter's reelection campaign in June 2019, after being one of her early supporters ahead of her victory in 2018.

DFA Chair Charles Chamberlain on Rep. Katie Porter's 2020 victory:

“Rep. Katie Porter’s decisive victory in her bid for…

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DFA Cheers as Sen. Jeff Merkley Sails to Reelection

November 4, 2020

Sen. Jeff Merkley sailed to reelection last night for his seat representing Oregon in the U.S. Senate.

Democracy for America eagerly supported Merkley, endorsing in April of this year after a long history of collaboration with the Senator and the group’s endorsement of his initial run for the seat in 2008.

DFA Chair Charles Chamberlain on Jeff Merkley’s reelection victory:

“Senator Jeff Merkley is one of the strongest progressive…

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VICTORY: DFA celebrates Mondaire Jones history-making victory in NY-17

November 4, 2020

Mondaire Jones was just officially elected to represent New York’s 17th Congressional District.

Democracy for America (DFA) endorsed Jones, who is now the first openly gay, Black man ever elected to Congress, early on in his primary campaign and supported him during the general election.

DFA CEO Chair Chamberlain on Mondaire Jones’ win in New York’s 17th Congressional District:

“Mondaire Jones has won his race for New York’s 17th…

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DFA Celebrates Rashida Tlaib’s Big Reelection Win

November 4, 2020

Rep. Rashida Tlaib has triumphed in her reelection campaign for MI-13, in a district so consistently blue it hasn’t had a Republican representative since the 1940’s.

Tlaib was one of DFA’s very first endorsements of the 2020 cycle

and received DFA’s support in her first race for Congress in 2018

DFA Chair Charles Chamberlain on Rep. Tlaib’s victory in Michigan:

“Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s victory last night is a progressive win on more…

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Democracy for America endorses Tishaura Jones for St. Louis Mayor

November 4, 2020

Today, moments after announcing her bid, Democracy for America (DFA) backed Tishaura Jones for Mayor of St. Louis, MO in the grassroots progressive organization's first 2021 endorsement.

Democracy for America is a proud, long-time supporter of Jones. The national grassroots progressive group proudly endorsed Jones during her 2017 mayoral bid and supported her in the 2020 St. Louis Treasurer race that she won decisively last…

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VICTORY: DFA ready for Rev. Raphael Warnock GA Senate run-off after clear first round victory

November 4, 2020

Reverend Raphael Warnock has placed in the January run-off election for Georgia’s U.S. Senate Special Election -- bringing Democrats one step closer to flipping this seat in the Senate with a strong progressive voice.

Democracy for America endorsed Warnock in February.

DFA Chair Charles Chamberlain Reverend Raphael Warnock’s victory:

“Reverend Raphael Warnock’s clear first-round victory in Georgia’s U.S. Senate Special Election makes…

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